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Why does your scooty not to start in the mornings?

Why does your scooty not to start in the mornings?

If the vehicle is left unused for more than say 4/5 hours then the engine oil temperature will decrease.

  • The decrease in the engine oil temperature will lead to the engine oil to turn thicker, therefore thicker engine oil will sediment to the bottom.
  • This is because at night the atmospheric temperature is low and there is less humidity.
  • This occurs even in the case of all automobile vehicles including cars.
  • But in the case of cars they are equipped with a more powerful battery and their starter motor is more integrally designed.

When you use kick start, you will loosen the thickness of the engine oil and thereby make the starting procedure much more easier.

Before you start your scooter every morning follow this procedure

  • Switch off the ignition and give 10 to 12 soft kicks , ensure that the kicker goes fully down.
  • Doing this will allow better decompression and the engine oil will loose its density and circulate more effectively.

  • Switch on the ignition and give it a mighty kick with mild acceleration.
  • The vehicle will start immediately in the first or the second kick itself.



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